Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Tuesday, August 22, 2023

As I say on the introduction of this podcast, I have never seen the arc of a career like this – from a longtime professional magician to law school to a successful law firm he founded and now a coach for lawyers and an author on how to start and grow a successful law firm. Those are quite a few accomplishments and transition packed into one career! Patrick Slaughter, as you'll hear, is very engaging. He is an expert in immigration law and family law. In fact, he runs an immigration law bootcamp and, if you're looking to get into the field of immigration law, from my perspective, this is an absolute must do. Immigration law is complicated and nuanced and Patrick makes it understandable for lawyers to quickly learn so that they can take good care of their immigration clients. He has also started a coaching practice for lawyers who want to start their own firm and have a thriving law practice. The start point, though, would be to get a copy of Patrick's new book that will be out soon: “The Law Firm Blueprint: Your Fast Track to $100K Working Only 4 Days a Week.” I have read an advance copy of this book. It is thorough and detailed and will get a lawyer to where he or she needs to be by following his blueprint. I hope you enjoy hearing Patrick’s story on this episode of the podcast.
Written by Ron Sykstus