Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Tuesday, November 12, 2013
As we all know, it seems to take the government an eternity to accomplish any task, from filling potholes to passing a budget, and applying for Social Security disability benefits is no exception.
You can pretty much count on the Social Security Administration (SSA) taking about four months to make an initial determination on your application. According to, in Alabama only about 28% of the applications are approved at the initial level, which is below the national average of about 32%.
If you are denied and file an appeal, the news does not necessarily get any better. According to it takes about 12 months to get a social security disability hearing in Alabama, which is a bit more than the national average of about 11 months.
What Are My Chances at a Social Security Hearing
There is some good news at the hearing level however, as the approval percentage climbs to about 48% in Alabama. The national average is 46%.
As for the numbers for the four Alabama hearing centers, Birmingham takes 14 months and approves about 53% of its cases, Florence 10 months and 44%, Mobile 13 and 48%, and Montgomery 13 months and 44% respectively.
If you are denied again, the numbers decline on appeal the further up the process you go and are not worth going into detail here. Suffice it to say that the hearing is your best chance to be awarded disability benefits.
While these figures are not encouraging, we have found that meticulous preparation and attention to detail often give us an edge when we appear in court. The judges appreciate a fully developed case and a prepared attorney and client.
If you suffer from a severe impairment that is expected to last more than twelve months and that prevents you from doing any of your past or other work, please contact our office nearest to you to set up a free consultation appointment to discuss your situation.